Soul Searching Can Lead To Existential Depression

Many people consider soul searching to be a part of life, but they are not aware of the potential for existential depression. This type of depression arises when a person questions the purpose of their life. They might not be able to find any value in themselves, or the answer they find is not pleasing to them. The result is a depression, in particular existential depression.

Existential depression is not talked about as much as other types, and for this reason there are a lot of people that have not heard about it. However, it is a real kind of depression and its victims go through real suffering. Finding real meaning in neither life nor death, they just sink into a deep pit of darkness. From this type of depression it can be hard to escape, as it calls for a change in belief.

existential depressionPsychologists believe that a person’s happiness is based not in religion, but comes from the exercise of their own free will. Therefore, finding true meaning in their existence it truly up to them and not dependent on any outside source. When a person is unable to define what gives them happiness, their ability to be happy gets taken away through this condition called existential depression.

Scientists have been unable to find a cure for existential behavior. The treatment for patients that are found to be suffering from existential behavior receive the same treatment that other depression patients get; drugs, psychotherapy, and the like. However, it is possible that there is a better method for the treatment of existential depression.

Existential Depression – The Cure May Not Come From Science

It may be that science has been unsuccessful in issuing a solution to existential depression because of their limited scope. A true cure for existential behavior may not be found in the traditional approaches to discovering the proper treatment for a medical condition, but in something that science cannot grasp due to its very nature.

However, manner of approach is not the only issue that may be limiting the ability to uncover a solution to existential depression, the quantity of approaches may be an issue as well. Existential behavior tends not to receive as much attention as some of the other conditions. Not very many are seeking foe its cure, yet a diverse and broader set of perceptions may shed light into places in this issue that may have persisted unseen.

There may not be as many people suffering from existential depression as there are of those who struggle with other mental health issues, but the condition is serious enough to earn some attention. Existential depression is not something that is easy to live with, no form of depression is. The truth is that every life has a purpose, even though that purpose might not be made quickly clear. Those with existential depression need to realize this for themselves. It is possible for them to recover from this debilitating condition. Life’s purpose serves as an instant existential depression cure.

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